Two Luxury Replica Watches Will Catch Your Eyes With Innovative Design

For women who pursue both the beautiful appearance and mechanical texture, Greubel Forsey and Richard Mille will be good choices. Here I will recommend you two sophisticated fake watches from these two watch brands which have met all the requirements of modern women.

Greubel Forsey Balancier Contemporain

The appearance of this timepiece presents the high level of watchmaking craftsmanship.

Greubel Forsey Fake With Diamonds Paved Bezel

The white gold case copy Greubel Forsey has been the smallest model of this Swiss watch brand. The mother-of-pearl dial and shiny diamonds are really charming, but the real highlight of this timepiece is the iconic multidimensional dial.

Richard Mille RM07

The appearance of this Richard Mille is very lovely and innovative.

Cute Richard Mille Knockoff Watch

Although this Richard Mille imitation with white ceramic case will not satisfy all the watch lovers, it does not prevent it from becoming the most delicious watch in the watch industry. It reminds you that even the most expensive mechanical watches could be childlike.