Luxury Canada Replica Watches And Gastronomy, The Perfect Pairing

Watchmaking and gastronomy have many things in common. They are both artisanal professions. Both demand extreme precision and work to the highest standard. And both bring nothing but pleasure. This explains why so many chefs are swelling the ranks of ambassadors representing the most prestigious Manufactures for cheap CA replica watches. We got the inside gen on this connection by asking nine leading chefs and pastry chefs the same question: “In your opinion, why are so many watchmakers forging a connection with the culinary world and choosing chefs as their partners and ambassadors?”

Here’s what they had to say…

Omega – Thierry Marx

“Cooking and watchmaking are both a symbiosis of excellence and the highest expectations. Chefs are impacted by time. A chef must master techniques and know how to control temperature and time. The time it takes to produce something, which is what makes him a professional, but also seasonal time. A chef cannot work without a clock or best fake watches, and so it makes sense that cookery should resonate with watchmaking.”

Thierry Marx, a top-level judoka, Gault & Millau Chef of the Year 2006, two Michelin stars, is known for his molecular gastronomy. A media personality, he was a judge for several seasons of the French cookery show Top Chef.

He wears manual-winding perfect replica Omega Speedmaster chronograph watches in steel, CHF 7,500.

Cartier – Cédric Grolet

“I feel very proud that watchmakers are making this choice and choosing this positioning. A watchmaker’s work is about precision and perfectionism. The job of a pastry chef also demands precision and creativity. I think there are many similarities, a lot of common ground, between the two.”

Cédric Grolet, head pastry chef at Le Meurice in Paris, was named World’s Best Pastry Chef in 2018 and has the most social media followers of his profession. He is famous for his trompe-l’œil cakes in the form of fruit.

He wears an automatic skeleton Pasha de Cartier fake watches for sale in DLC steel, CHF 27,900.

Breitling – Juan Arbelaez

“I think it comes down to the similarity between cookery and watchmaking. Time is a key element when producing and serving a dish. You establish a certain rhythm in the kitchen so that every stage of preparation becomes perfectly synchronised. Precision is vital, exactly as it is in watchmaking. Also, like cookery, watchmaking is a profession that demands enormous attention to detail and the drive to produce painstaking work. As someone who is acutely aware of the importance of time and precision when cooking, these similarities explain why these two professions can complement each other harmoniously. For me, every dish is like Swiss movements super clone watches. It must be prepared with immense care and presented accordingly. I think watchmakers have realised this, which is why they want to partner with chefs, to promote their know-how and their passion for quality and perfection.”

Juan Arbelaez, a Paris-based Colombian chef who trained at the Cordon Bleu culinary school, opened his first restaurant in 2013. Projects have followed in quick succession, both on television, as a culinary commentator, and in the kitchen. Bazurto, one of his several restaurants in Paris, serves Colombian cuisine to share in laidback surroundings.

He wears automatic top replica Breitling Navitimer B01 chronograph watches in steel, CHF 8,750.