Limited-Edition Piaget Limelight Diamonds Fake Watches With Non-Transparent Ruby Dials

Piaget Limelight Diamonds watches have precious and luxurious appearances and decorations. There are several models with different noble materials. This limited edition is launched 50 pieces in total. The oval cases are made from 18k white gold, 28mm in length and 23mm in width. The tiny cases are matched with non-transparent ruby dials and red satin-faced straps, building an elegant and noble image.

The delicate Piaget Limelight replica watches have lots of fancy and exquisite details. There are no hour markers on the gentle ruby dials. It is rare to use ruby for dials. So the ruby dials are very unique and People just can see the hour and minute through the anti-glare sapphire glasses. Then there are 30 brilliant-cut diamonds inset on the bezel, adding the dazzling shine. The wrist watches are powered by Cal. 56P, accurate and reliable Swiss quartz movements with a long-lasting power reserve.

Piaget copy watches with red straps fully present the pure charm and eternal elegance to watch fans. Lots of noble ladies are attracted. The soft and subtle beauty makes the timepieces appealing to rich and graceful women. They are regarded as a first choice to match official dresses at important moments.