Blue Leather Straps Precious Piaget Limelight Fake Watches With Exquisite Details

Piaget Limelight collection is always popular with rich ladies for a long time. This collection has shiny decorations and noble designs. As we can see, the designs are simple but magnificent. The 36mm white gold cases are well polished, having the bright shine. Besides, there are 126 brilliant-cut diamonds inset on the bezel, adding more glossy beauty. The fancy Piaget Limelight watches replica also have neat and delicate silver dials.

The oval dials have neat and exquisite designs, appealing and charming.

Piaget Limelight Fake Watches With White Gold Cases

Their hour markers are applied white gold indexes. The central hour and minute hands are faceted and polished. There is a vivid moon phase indicator in the center. Then there are also 14 round-cut diamonds inset on the dial as good decoration. Their sapphire glasses are solid to protect the pretty dials and the case backs are also transparent to show more inner details. The remarkable Piaget Limelight copy watches are driven by Cal. 584P, self-winding mechanical movements with 26 jewels. Their stable movements can provide a long-lasting power reserve of about 42 hours.

The white gold cases are decorated with shiny diamonds, giving out bright gloss.

Swiss Automatic Movements Piaget Limelight Replica Watches

Piaget knockoff watches with silver dials have decent blue designs and sparkling diamond decorations, building an elegant and noble image. The ladies’ watches have a unique design of round cases and oval dials, revealing balanced and harmonious feelings. The classic and aesthetic designs make the models favored by modern ladies who have a good lifestyle.